
Isaiah 6:1-8


Transformation comes:

1. By Grace!
Ephesians 2:8-10, Philippians 2:13

a. Isaiah “Saw the Lord. Jesus on the throne! Seeing Adoni always transforms! The problem with a lot of today's evangelism is that we start with man’s awfulness when we need to start with God’s Awesomeness!

When we see God’s holiness/righteousness/glory/splendor we will already know our sinfulness/darkness/desperate condition!

Job = "I heard of You with my ears but now I have seen You with my eyes. Therefore, I abhor myself and repent in dust and ashes!”

Peter = Luke 5 Jesus told Peter to launch out into the deep and let down his nets. “When he saw it (the catch) he fell at Jesus feet and said, ‘Depart from me for I am a sinful man, O Lord!”

b. Heard the Seraphim say “Holy, Holy, Holy!
6 wings = 2 to fly – 2 to cover face (humility) – 2 to cover feet (respect)!

Smoke = possibly symbol of God’s anger and wrath against sin!

Worship must be grace filled (allowing God to work in us) by focusing (with humility and respect) on His holiness, sovereignty and glory

2. By Confession! (That comes from faith!)

Isaiah’s confession was both personal and corporate! “I am undone . . . people of unclean lips.”

Nehemiah 1:6ff “We have sinned against You. Both my father’s house and I have sinned.”

Nehemiah and Isaiah both understood the all-consuming impact of sin!

Confession is more than naming my sins. It is taking responsibility for them and repenting from them! Confession/repentance always includes change! Without change it is only remorse or regret!

• Rom 3: 23 For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God!

• Rom. 6:23 The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is life eternal.

Gift of Faith = not staying in the mess but stepping out, trusting God’s provisions!

Note: you can’t have repentance and stay in that sin!
Trusting God’s provisions = accepting the gift of grace that is Jesus!

Seraphim takes coal off the altar (burnt offering = that which is 100% given to God – all to be burned up for His glory – Jesus)

and touches the prophet’s lips to cleanse him!

Iniquity takes away! Iniquity = our distortion of life/ to divert from the path of God!

Sin paid for! Sin = choices I have made against God!

Note = Jesus - the sacrifice that takes away the sin of the world!

3. With Service! (True worship/transformation will always lead to service!)

Serving God requires:

a. Hearing His voice.
b. Counting the cost. Or discounting the cost!
c. Committing to His mission.
Note: it is a lifetime of service on mission with God!
Not I have to, but I get to serve!

Serve How? Make disciples who make disciples!

Transformation is accepting God’s provision through out life that takes me beyond my abilities and accomplishes more than my imagination could ever comprehend!

a. Knowing God
b. Walking with God.
c. Experiencing God completely!

1. When was the last time you sensed God’s presence or heard His voice? Does He still give signs and visions? Why or why not?

2. Are you willing to take responsibility for straying from His path or choosing to act against His plans in your life?

3. Have you experienced the joy of having your sin and iniquities taken away?

4. Are you on mission with God? Are you willing to join Him on His journey for you?